Category: articles

How to Properly Light a Kitchen

When it comes to building a truly cozy and relaxing home, the right lighting is of the utmost importance. It will not only highlight the unique characteristics of any given room, but the right lighting will also ensure that a space functions for the purpose it’s built for. For instance, the bedroom, where people ought to rest at the end of a long day, would be much more relaxing with the right ambiance light that induces calm and is easy on the eyes.

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Is 2022 the Year of Maximalist Interiors

hen it comes to interiors, minimalism has had its moment. In 2022, it’s going to be all about the maximalists. To understand maximalism is easy – more is more. Maximalist interiors have burst onto the scene in recent months, but how do you evoke this interior style without it looking like a yard sale? The key is striking the right balance between textures, colors, and prints, and making these elements feel personal rather than forced. In this guide, we’ll show you how to do just that. 

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The 7 Elements of Interior Design

When thinking about interior design, words like creativity and flair immediately spring to mind – but many would be surprised to find there is a degree of science involved. Professional interior
designers will usually follow a set of informal “rules”, based on specific interior design principles and elements. These interior design elements include space, line, forms, light, color, texture, and pattern; and keeping them balanced is the key to creating an aesthetically pleasing interior.

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